
PIWI maximizes the effectiveness of baby programs by providing resources and direct assistance to parents to help them to keep their babies content while successfully completing their work. Clear structures and guidelines are established to ensure that babies are not disruptive to coworkers and that all employees effectively complete their work. PIWI offers a proven structure for a babies-at-work program that ensures that everyone's needs are met—management, coworkers, parents, and babies.
“It’s a dynamite program. I get the employee back a lot quicker. When an individual is out on maternity leave, under California law, I can’t replace them. I’m short-handed for the whole time. But this way, I get the mother back in eight to ten weeks and I have coverage again. And the mom is happy because she has time to bond with her baby. It’s a win-win for both employer and employee.”
Fran Oswald, Branch Manager
Schools Financial Credit Union
“Some of my direct reports thought I was off my rocker when I said I wanted to do this. But I asked them to be helpful and to give it a try—and if it didn’t work, we’d let it go. Some of the biggest naysayers became some of the biggest champions when they found that, from just giving a little bit, we were retaining important staff members who were big contributors. It has been a very, very positive program for our workplace.”
Cathy Weatherford, President
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
These documents are intended for easy download as you propose a babies-at-work program in your organization. The Template Policy is a Word document for you to adapt to your needs, while the others are reference document PDFs, which we ask that you not alter without contacting us first:
(Free PDF Download)